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Bus Service  

Bus service is NOT provided for students in our regular program.

Alternative program service 

Yellow bus service is available for elementary students in Edmonton Public schools who choose to attend a school offering an alternative program. At Princeton School, Interactions is an alternative program for students with ASD.  Children who attend the program come from various places throughout our catchment and ride a yellow bus to attend school.

Applying for yellow bus service

To ensure your child receives yellow bus service on the first day of school, you must apply before the May deadline.   If transportation has been approved, you’ll be notified in mid-August with the route number, stop locations, pick up and drop off times and bus company contact information.  (This information will come from EPSB's Transportation Department.)

Step 1: Submit an application for yellow bus service. (Our office will facilitate this but your signature is required.)

Step 2: Return your completed application form to the school your child is currently attending by the posted May deadline.

When you have been approved, you will receive a letter from Student Transportation on Schoolzone before August 25th with the following information:

  • Yellow bus route number
  • Bus company contact information
  • Pickup and drop off schedules and stop locations

More information:

Parents' Guide to Yellow Bus Service
Contact Student Transportation:
Website: http://transportation.epsb.net Phone: 780-429-8585


Streets around our school are often very congested during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. To help keep our students safe, we need you to do your part by slowing down and following traffic safety laws.  

The parking lot is reserved for EPSB employees.  When visiting the school, parking is available on 78th street.  For the safety of our students, do not use the parking lot for dropping off or picking up students.  Please avoid parking in the bus zones when picking up or dropping off students.


The safety of children is far more important than convenience, wouldn't you agree?  Please help keep all children safe by teaching them to use the school crosswalks.


  • POINT across the road with your arm to tell drivers that you are ready to cross.
  • PAUSE until all vehicles stop and you have made eye contact with drivers.
  • PROCEED with your arm out, and keep looking both ways as you cross.



Starting September 2, 2015 a lower speed limit in school zones came into effect in Edmonton. You must slow down to 30km/h around schools between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on school days where signs are present. 

Speed limits will be strictly enforced by both the Edmonton Police Service and the City of Edmonton’s Office of Traffic Safety during posted hours.


General safety reminders

  • Remain courteous and patient
  • Drive slowly and watch for students crossing the road
  • Abide all traffic signs and laws
  • Use designated crosswalks
  • Respect school staff and volunteers assisting with drop-off and pick-up
  • Park further away from the school and walk the rest of the way
  • Use Edmonton Transit or other ways to get to school (walk, ride a bike or roll!)

For information about getting to school, visit epsb.ca/schools/gettoschool