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Early Years

Full Day Kindergarten 

Since September 2013, we have been pleased to offer Full Day Kindergarten in partnership with the Edmonton Public School Foundation.


Grades 1-6 

Our program focuses on literacy and numeracy skills which are integrated into all subject areas.

Assessment for learning strategies are used to involve students in the learning process. Criteria is set and students have a clear understanding of the expectations for each learning task. Assessment for learning allows students to self assess their work and feedback is given from the teacher and peers along the learning journey. Goal setting is a key strategy for success.

Differentiated instruction meets the needs of individual students and their unique learning styles. It is inclusive of many strategies and techniques. Differentiated instruction is flexible and constantly changing to meet existing needs.  Based on this theory, teachers structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within the classroom.

Inquiry and hands on learning provide students with meaningful learning opportunities.  Students learn by asking questions and thinking of big ideas.

French as a second language 

Students in grades four, five and six receive weekly French instruction. The French curriculum is based on the guidelines provided by Alberta Education.




Music learning activities include the following: singing, learning of musical elements, reading and writing music, memory work, inner hearing, listening, part-work, improvisation, movement, and playing instruments.