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Children with ASD

Interactions Program

Princeton school is a Division site for Interactions and we currently have three dedicated classes.  Interactions programming supports students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  ASD impacts how people understand what they see, hear and sense.  This lifelong diagnosis can result in sensory processing issues and difficulty with communication and social interaction.  Interactions programming targets a child's  individual needs and abilities with a emphasis in these areas.



  • Demonstrate growth in communication skills
  • Demonstrate growth in building  and maintaining relationships, and understanding social situations
  • Demonstrate growth in managing frusturation and problem-solving
  • Improved ability to handle change or challenging emotions (e.g. anxiety)
  • Development of life skills to suppport independent living and employment


  • Structured classroom environment with regular routines
  • Smaller classes for more targeted instruction
  • Visual aids, concrete examples and hands-on activities
  • Frequent praise and other meaningful rewards to help students adopt positive behaviours and attitudes
  • Opportunities to join other classes for instruction in a student’s area of strength


Students at Princeton must be in grades 1-6, clinically diagnosed with ASD and demonstrating stereotyped behaviours, and have severe impairment in social interactions and communication. Contact the school office for information about eligibility and special education programming options.


Interactions Program brochure