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Cogito is a knowledge-based program with clearly defined standards of achievement and measurable learning objectives. Cogito is dedicated to helping average students maximize their academic potential. Cogito (ko-gi-to) is Latin for I reason. The program is designed for the student willing to work to achieve a high level of academic excellence in a knowledge-based program and in a teacher-directed atmosphere of structured and sequenced learning. Critical thinking is stressed. Students work in an environment that promotes self-discipline.

The unique program characteristics include:

  • Enriched core curriculum
  • Sequenced knowledge content, with emphasis on mastery learning
  • Focus on attention and increased concentration
  • Early literacy developed through explicit phonics instruction
  • Explicit spelling and grammar instruction
  • Strong mental and written math skill development that emphasizes computational and problem-solving skills
  • Teachers oriented to a classical approach
  • Direct, whole-group instruction
  • Strong work-ethic expected
  • Regular homework required
  • Committed parental support

Cogito Foundational Principles

Cogito Kindergarten Student Profile

Cogito Student Profile - Grades 1 - 6

Parent Commitment

Please visit the Edmonton Public Schools Cogito Alternative Program website at: Cogito - Edmonton Public Schools for helpful program information, including Cogito registration forms.