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Parent Involvement

We welcome visitors, whether they are parents, guests, or people on official school business, are welcome in our school. All visitors enter the school through the front doors and sign in at the office.

Volunteers and the work that they do is invaluable in any school setting and we welcome them into our school.  Volunteers are required to complete both the Volunteer Registration form and the Volunteer Confidentiality form.  These forms are included in the opening package but may also be picked up in the school office.

Parents are a very important part of our school success. We would like to encourage you to be involved in your child's education. If you think of ways that you can contribute, please contact the school office!  We we'd love to hear from you!

These are a few of the formal and informal opportunities that you might consider:

  • Princeton Parent Volunteer Association
  • Parent classroom volunteer
  • Reading partner
  • Library helper
  • Field trip supervisor
  • School Council
  • Princeton Parent Volunteer Association Member